When it comes to having fun, it can be easy to think that you need to spend a lot of money to make it happen. That's bullsh*t!
Here are a few ideas couples can do without spending a dime for A TONNE OF FUN!
GAME NIGHT. Break out the board games or cards and spend the evening playing games together. Incorporate the 52 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married Poker Card Deck to take your relationship to the next level
COOK Pick a recipe and make it together. If it taste bad, why not make memories together? :)
WALK HIKE RUN. An awesome excuse to stay fit and see each other in a whole new light, (*sweaty light)
MOVIE. Pick a romantic movie you both want to watch and enjoy the night away
DIY projects. Work on a project together, it can be something as simple as painting or building a YouTube channel, or even a side-business selling ice cream?
VOLUNTEER. Giving back is always an awesome way to spend time.
PICNIC. Pack lunch. It might be a pain in the ass but worth it!
SPA. Draw a bath, light some scented candles and relax.
YOGA & FITNESS. Nothing beats sweating together - am I right? ;)
TAKE PHOTOS. Make a list of places to take photos of and spend the day finding them!
Money IS NOT a barrier to having fun.
With some creativity and planning, couples can have a great time without breaking the bank.
Don't forget to incorporate the 52 Questions To Ask Before Getting Married Poker Card deck into your date, it can be a fun and interactive way to improve communication and build a stronger foundation for your relationship.
Purchase the deck at the52questions.com and enjoy your date night!